On 21/05/2020 10:50, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging wrote:

Similarly anyone creating
highway=footway + danger="you will be shot" + "access=no" + foot=yes"
should probably switch to pickpocketing, telemarketing or other less harmful activity.

While "danger" isn't a much used tag (and I'm sure wasn't a serious suggestion here - https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/danger#values ), sometimes "foot=yes" is correct and other tags need to be taken into account.  I've used the area around https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/431056034 as an example of that before.  Here "foot=yes" is correct - there is a legal right of access.  "sac_scale <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:sac scale?uselang=en-GB>=demanding_alpine_hiking" also makes sense here I think.

I take Frederik's reference to Andy Allan's point about "a multi-billion-dollar-revenue organisation that were rendering anything with a highway tag the same as their most minor road style" but frankly there's simply no solution to that - presumably "highway=dangerouspath" (to make up a nonsensical value) or https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/highway=via%20ferrata would still get shown as a "road".

Map styles need to be clear about what they're showing and what they're not showing and people using maps need to be able to read maps so that they understand what they're being told.  This isn't really a tagging issue, unless OSM mappers aren't using appropriate other tags when they should (sac_scale, trail_visibility, surface, etc.)

Best Regards,


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