For those who missed it, a related discussion was just had on this list about differentiating mountain-biking trails from cycleways. See the resulting proposal for path=mtb and threads from April in Tagging:
On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 8:51 AM Andy Townsend <> wrote: > > On 21/05/2020 10:50, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging wrote: > > > > Similarly anyone creating > highway=footway + danger="you will be shot" + "access=no" + foot=yes" > should probably switch to pickpocketing, telemarketing or other less > harmful activity. > > While "danger" isn't a much used tag (and I'm sure wasn't a serious > suggestion here - ), > sometimes "foot=yes" is correct and other tags need to be taken into > account. I've used the area around > as an example of that > before. Here "foot=yes" is correct - there is a legal right of access. " > sac_scale > <>=demanding_alpine_hiking" > also makes sense here I think. > > I take Frederik's reference to Andy Allan's point about "a > multi-billion-dollar-revenue organisation that were rendering anything with > a highway tag the same as their most minor road style" but frankly there's > simply no solution to that - presumably "highway=dangerouspath" (to make up > a nonsensical value) or > would still > get shown as a "road". > > Map styles need to be clear about what they're showing and what they're > not showing and people using maps need to be able to read maps so that they > understand what they're being told. This isn't really a tagging issue, > unless OSM mappers aren't using appropriate other tags when they should > (sac_scale, trail_visibility, surface, etc.) > > Best Regards, > > Andy > > > _______________________________________________ > Tagging mailing list > > >
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