On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 3:49 PM Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging <
tagging@openstreetmap.org> wrote:

> > There is also an old problem how large footway should be to qualify as
a pedestrian road,
> > with varied opinions.
> Would you also say then that a way tagged as
highway=path/footway/cycleway, width=4 would be an error?
> It is not an automatic error.
Good, that makes sense.

> General comment: I am happy to map/tag in any internally consistent way
according to community consensus.  However, when it comes to the highway=*
tag, it seems that we have a mix of functional classification and physical
classification, which is confusing.
> It is functional classification, except highway=motorway.
That is what I have always thought, but it seems that some people seem to
object to the way in question being tagged as highway=path (because it is
wide and its surface is gravel?) when it is clearly (I surveyed it in
person) constructed and signed for recreational foot and bike use and is
owned and operated by the City of Loveland Parks and Recreation Department
(I guess I could add an operator=* tag if that would help).

> There are unpaved highway=trunk, there are paved highway=track and so on.
> A way that is used to access a private residence from a public road is
highway=service, service=driveway (functional classification), unless it is
too long (exact distance not specified), or too rough (physical
> Way used solely to access a private residence is always highway=service,
service=driveway no matter
> whatever it is short, long, paved, unpaved, lit, unlit, ugly or 22 lanes
Again, this is what I have always thought, but there was an earlier
discussion on this list where some people objected.

> Why you think that "too rough" driveway is no longer highway=service,
> (if based on poor wiki docs then I would be happy to fix, if it is based
on iD presets then
> I would not recommend using iD presets to learn how OSM tagging works -
there are
> some problematic cases like peculiar description of highway=track that
are deliberately
> unfixed)
I use JOSM, and usually enter tags by hand as opposed to using the presets.
In the above mentioned earlier discussion some participants were opposed to
me changing a highway=track to highway=service, service=driveway based on
length and condition.  Someone even questioned whether the owner of the
property might own a 4x4 vehicle and if that was necessary to access the
residence over the way in question. I didn't think that could have anything
to do with it.

> if confused ask on mailing list (or elsewhere).
That is usually the source of confusion.  Multiple, conflicting, views.

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