May 22, 2020, 03:09 by > On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 4:52 PM Martin Koppenhoefer <> >> > wrote: > > > If the driveway is too rough, it maybe isn’t a driveway any more, it will > > depend on the other driveways in the area what is acceptable as a driveway, > > and when you would consider it track, that’s why there isn’t a clear limit > > on a global level. > This seems to contradict what > Mateusz said. "> Way used solely to access a > private residence is always highway=service, service=driveway no matter > whatever it is short, long, paved, unpaved, lit, unlit, ugly or 22 lanes > wide." > > So you are saying that the highway=* tag depends not just on its function, > not just on its physical condition, but also on its physical condition > relative to the other ways in the vicinity?! > It is probably the same case again. 1) there are two roads that can be used as access road 2) one is high quality, one is terrible 3) therefore better one is solely used as driveway, while terrible is used solely to access field/forest along it 4) one used as driveway is tagged as driveway, one used as field/forest access is tagged as highway=track In this case physical characteristics impacted functional charateristics what changed highway classification. But highway=* should consider solely character. Some interpret this as "all unpaved is highway=track". This is wrong. Similarly reasoning going like 1) in my country roads forming national road grid (highway=trunk) are all dual carriageway 2) therefore all trunks must be paved dual carriageway is similarly broken. functional and physical and administrative classification often match and it is tempting to pretend that there is an exact match. But sooner or later you run into weird cases like road ranked high in official classification but of low quality. Poland has for example case of road that used to lead to a bridge (destroyed in WW II, not rebuild). It is still officially highly ranked, but as it leads solely to riverside fields it is highway=track. It does not matter at all that it is "droga krajowa" or "droga wojewódzka". Extremely high-quality logging rod through forest is still highway=track. Extremely low quality driveway is still highway=service + service=driveway
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