> - because too much use (saying that a problem that's too big doesn't need to be solved is pretty absurd).

A mechanical edit could convert them to their respective `contact:` subkey sisters and solves that big problem. Also editor and customers changing their presets is not that difficult because in OSM new schemes are approved all the time and some others deprecated and translated to a new scheme (if possible and if it can be done securely then via mechanical edit)

> because some will feel that A and contact:A are not the same thing

Well, the specification says that they are the same thing by mentioning both are used to tag contact information. If they're not the same thing then the ones saying that should explain why and name some examples so we can discuss and find a solution for these cases (if any). But also from these people I did not get any input.

~ Sören Reinecke alias Valor Naram

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Tagging] Remove non-prefixed versions of 'contact:' scheme
From: "Marc M."
To: tagging@openstreetmap.org


Le 04.05.20 à 12:53, Valor Naram via Tagging a écrit :
> replace all occurrence of the non-prefixed versions of the contact keys

although I totally agree with the idea, I can't imagine a global mass
agreement to make it happen.
as in the previous version, you're going to have opinions against it:
- because too much use (saying that a problem that's too big doesn't
need to be solved is pretty absurd).
- because some will feel that A and contact:A are not the same thing


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