On 5/12/20 17:18, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
> I'd really like somebody to come up with simple definitions of
> mappers,
> data consumers / customers,
> users?

I'd consider "user" and "data consumer" to be the same thing (but would
prefer "user" or even "data user" in light of the objection to
"consumer" used in this context at

A "user" is someone who makes use of the data generated by the
OpenStreetMap project including its volunteers. A "mapper" (or "editor")
would be someone who creates and/or updates the data for the project.
One easily can be both at different times, in fact, I would hope most if
not all mappers "eat their own dog food" and use OSM data as much as
possible in preference to e.g. Google or Bing maps.

Shawn K. Quinn <skqu...@rushpost.com>

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