
 I request to replace all occurrence of the prefixed versions of the contact keys, as it adds no quality to the OSM database

On 04/05/2020 11:53, Valor Naram via Tagging wrote:
       I request to replace all occurrence of the non-prefixed versions of the 
contact keys like Key:phone, Key:email. Key:website to be replaced with the 
prefixed ones like Key:contact:phone, Key:contact:email, Key:contact:website . 
The current situation harms our database in a way that makes our data less 
useful. In order to be successful we need to standardize to the contact:
  prefix. No more multiple keys for the exact same purpose with just
different names!

But there would still be "multiple keys" (contact:phone, :contact:email etc)

  Make tagging more orthogonal! As someone who has
experience in database and normalisation it hurts to see that mappers
don't know how to take care of a database. It is time to take action and
  to clean up so OSM data gets more useful.

  * Normalisation of that data is required. Key:phone must be
translated to Key:contact:phone or backwards.

No it doesn't

  * Having two schemes leads to confusion of mappers (especially
for newbies) which they should use.

Then get rid the the 'contact' schema


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