On 30/4/20 8:08 pm, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
Am Do., 30. Apr. 2020 um 11:59 Uhr schrieb Warin
<61sundow...@gmail.com <mailto:61sundow...@gmail.com>>:
On 30/4/20 7:29 pm, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
Am Do., 30. Apr. 2020 um 11:18 Uhr schrieb Jean-Marc Liotier
<j...@liotier.org <mailto:j...@liotier.org>>:
The concept they are closest to is "plaza"
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plaza) - which, by the way,
does not seem
to have currency in Openstreetmap.
Needs to have a name, many of these have no names.
if these are significant open areas that are used for recreation and
to meet each other, it seems improbable that they do not have names.
Can you back your claim with real world examples?
Not my claim .. but
On 30/4/20 10:06 am, Jean-Marc Liotier wrote:
On 4/30/20 12:20 AM, Volker Schmidt wrote:
place=square seems to fit the bill
place=square exists within the place=* hierarchy which , as documented
in https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:place, is used to
characterize named locations. What we tag here is almost always unnamed.
Our goal is to record the nature of that space - and most importantly
its functionality as a common free space.
Note the statement "What we tag here is almost always unnamed." Fairly
clear to me.
I also would not say 'used for recreation' as that may not be true in
all situations.
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