On 4/30/20 12:20 AM, Volker Schmidt wrote:
place=square seems to fit the bill

place=square exists within the place=* hierarchy which , as documented in https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:place, is used to characterize named locations. What we tag here is almost always unnamed.

Our goal is to record the nature of that space - and most importantly its functionality as a common free space.

On Wed, 29 Apr 2020 at 23:18, Joseph Eisenberg <joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com <mailto:joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com>> wrote:

   I agree, the area in this spot
   (https://www.mapillary.com/map/im/jYNQFMwHiNEZRCnpi71heA) is a
   moderly sized open area of bare earth, with buildings on 3 sides and
   a paved streets on a long side. It appears to be used for sports and
   recreation, and for walking. I suspect it might be a "de facto"
   leisure=pitch - in the USA it would be an "empty lot" used for
   soccer/baseball/etc. It could also be a highway=pedestrian +
   area=yes - an open pedestrian area or "town square" - those are
   usually paved in some way in developed countries, but that's not a
   requirement. It does not appear to be a park.

   There was not any formal discussion to deprecate leisure=common, and
   mappers are certainly free to keep using that tag. It was marked as
   deprecated by one wiki user, about a year ago.

   But since the tag it is not well defined, it will be hard for
   database users to interpret what it means.

   On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 1:41 PM Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
   <tagging@openstreetmap.org <mailto:tagging@openstreetmap.org>> wrote:

       Apr 29, 2020, 21:37 by skqu...@rushpost.com

           On 4/29/20 14:34, Jean-Marc Liotier wrote:

               Here is a 360° picture of a square in Dakar:
               - larger than a
               street (it occupies a whole city block), used as a
               multipurpose common
               area (pickup soccer games are a staple but parking or
               lounging around
               also occur, and the occasional popular event) and
               usually surfaced with
               sand or whatever the ground is.

               We have long tagged it leisure=common (389 ways in
               Senegal and 486 in
               Mali according to http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/TqN) -
               which is a bit of
               stretch from the British legal definition, but worked
               well enough and
               did not conflict with its British usage. But
               leisure=common is now

               So, what should we use instead ?
               suggests using
               leisure=park - which isn't too much of a stretch
               functionally but evokes
               greenery that does not occur here (though British
               commons are just as
               green and we were happy with leisure=common)... Any
               other ideas ? Or I'm
               going to use leisure=park+surface=sand !

           While leisure=park might work, there is also
           to consider.

       leisure=recreation_ground sounds fitting to me and is without
       baggage of legal
       status bundled into leisure=commons

       This specific place looks like leisure=pitch. And for example in
       Poland some
       sport pitch may be used for an occasional event, festival of
       various types.

       Note: I am unfamiliar with on-the-ground situation in Africa

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