On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 3:10 AM Andrew Harvey <andrew.harv...@gmail.com>

> My view based on current usage, reading of the wiki and general opinion is
> that highway=cycleway is meant for any path that is either
> designed/intended for bicycles or specifically designated (signposted) for
> bicycles, irrespective of if it's an urban track or mountain biking track.
> So a mountain bike track and an urban cycle track should both be tagged
> with highway=cycleway as the primary tag. surface= and smoothness= can help
> for both to help guide users on which kind of bicycle the track is suitable
> for, and mtb:scale=/mtb:scale:imba= are used to indicate this is a
> designated mountain biking track.
> highway=path is specifically for a general use / unspecified path, which a
> mountain biking track may be if it's informal/shared, but purpose built and
> signposted mountain bike tracks don't fall into that category.
> A similar thing applies to hiking tracks, sometimes they are designated
> walking paths so use highway=footway + surface + sac_scale, but sometimes
> they are just an unmarked or mixed use path so are highway=path + surface +
> sac_scale.

This is also my read on it.  But we also need more than just
highway=path/cycleway and sometimes footway for bicycle facilities, there's
a bigger hierarchy than this.  Also seen a lot of situations where
highway=cycleway_link would be handy.
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