On Thu, 2 Apr 2020 at 23:17, Florimond Berthoux <
florimond.berth...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> The first time I saw cycleways on the map in the Alps on mountains I was
> surprised, and not really confident with the tagging.
> I think I agree that a cycleway should be useable by any kind of bicycle.
> What we have today to tag mtb ways :
> If it’s a shared path with pedestrian (hiking) or horses or used for
> farming/forest etc we have keys highway=path and highway=track. I think we
> all agree with that.

Agreed. I'm more talking about purpose built mountain bike tracks, which
can have man made jumps, bridges and other man made features which make it
obvious it's a mountain bike track and not just a path that you can ride a
mountain bike through.

> For a leisure sport park for mountain biking I think leisure=track +
> sport=mtb could be used I guess
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:leisure%3Dtrack
> Example : https://youtu.be/cD8XaOatg5I?t=307

I didn't think of leisure=track, I guess that could apply to tracks within
a mountain bike park, a bit like a BMX track, especially if it loops
around, but it feels like a stretch to apply to longer more wilderness
mountain bike tracks. At the moment it does seem like the most
appropriate choice for a dedicated mountain bike track if highway=cycleway
is not allowed though, it doesn't reflect current tagging though.

> The problem here is that I don’t see what a way made only for mtb which is
> not a leisure=track could looks like.
> For me if it’s in the wilderness it can be used by anyone, like hikers so
> it should be a highway=path.
> Do you have examples (photos, videos) ?

https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/454574501 + sign at the start
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