Almost all PT routes over here are fixed, yes. It's not the driver's
decision where to drive. Of course, blocking events may force the driver to
go around, after reporting to/consulting with the operator.

I'm not so sure it's a good idea to replace fixed and published routes with
computed routes.

On the other hand, for PT using the public road system, routes do not
really physically exist, most of the time.

What I don't like is forcing routing on renderers, and discarding known
route data.

I think some PT routes are best kept as routes, and some are best kept as
waypoints for routing.

That's why I still think an optional route relation in the PTv3 routing
relation would be best.

About maintenance burden: Tools could use the waypoints and the exact route
for validation. Tools could use a routing algorithm to (re)create an exact
route which can be compared to external data. Tools can easily detect a
sorting problem or a gap in a route relation if it only has ways.

By the way, Id is much less destructive nowadays. "My" hiking routes still
get broken sometimes, but it's no longer the sole culprit. Kudo's!

Still, you can't properly maintain sizeable ordered relations with Id, let
alone hierarchies of relations.

Best, Peter Elderson

Op di 10 mrt. 2020 om 20:20 schreef Richard <>:

> On Fri, Mar 06, 2020 at 04:07:02PM +0100, Peter Elderson wrote:
> > I wouldn't know. It seems strange to me that established routes have to
> be
> > re-routed to display or use them. How can you be sure the re-created
> route
> > is the one that is defined by the operator? Keeping as an example the
> city
> > PT map.
> Is the route "defined"? I would think the operator only defines stops and
> schedules. Most of the time busses and trains tend follow a nearly fixed
> route but may deviate from it anytime if there is a reason.
> Richard
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