It looks like it would save a lot of mapping work. While it avoids
some problems, such as the relation becoming invalid due to mapper
error, it may create new problems. Routers use different algorithms
and routing profiles, and the data that may affect route generation
(turn restrictions, speed limits, surface values) may change
independently, affecting the computed route without changing the PTv3
relation with via points only. Sometimes this would be desirable, I
can imagine that often it would not be.

Perhaps it would make sense to write an editor or a plugin that can
compute route members from a set of via points, which the mapper can
check and sometimes correct before submitting a changeset.

Also, if the PTv3 relation allows including both the route and some
via points, then we'd have a new situation to validate: the existence
of via points outside the route.

On Fri, Mar 6, 2020 at 7:08 AM John Doe <> wrote:
> Stereo and I have been working on a schema that makes it easier to create and 
> maintain public transport route relations. We would like to invite feedback, 
> questions, and suggestions, so it can mature and hopefully gain widespread 
> use.
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Fernando Trebien

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