As my personal biggest use of the public transportation relationship is to
visualize the ways that public transit route would take, I must say I am
personally against the idea.
>From my personal experience of using a non-OSM website "wikiroutes", which
is a website that let public enter public transit information from around
the world into the platform for navigation and suggestion purpose by
letting users first pick stop.m locations on a map, then try to
automatically display the routing and finally let users correct the routing
to complete the public transit route record in thdir database, I would say
it's easier said than done to expect a software being able to auto-generate
the ways based on station location, even with additional waypoints.
First of all, I don't think there are any existing routing engines for
trains on rail or bus or minibuses on street, so they will need to be
developed first for renderer to be able to visualize these routes,
especially for roads that regular vehicles cannot use. And then, for such
renderer to work, access restriction for public transit vehicle need to be
complete, which is rather difficult not just because of the work it take or
the current incompleteness of the amount of keys in OSM that can be used to
represent multiple localized types of transportation, but also because of
things like mechanical restrictions of bus models that would not be
available in any public document and cannot be verified outside of the
public transit company.
Second, when a user map a public transit relation using waypoints to handle
a special case, how can they know when a waypoints would be needed? Even if
such renderer is built into editor to show which route it would take and
let users add waypoints when that's incorrect, different routers used by
different renderers might route a route differently, what doesn't need a
waypoint on one router maybe different on another router, how can editors
know when it is necessary to add a waypoint to show a route correctly? If a
new road is being built next to existing road which doesn't affect existing
public transit routes, how to preemptively make sure routing engines won't
automatically redirected a route to the new road?
Third, way points are more transient than ways. It's more easy for a node
to be deleted or replaced when editing geometry than ways. How to maintain
integrity of a route geometry when others edit road geometry?

At 2020-03-06 Fri 18:08, John Doe <> wrote:

> Stereo and I have been working on a schema that makes it easier to create
> and maintain public transport route relations. We would like to invite
> feedback, questions, and suggestions, so it can mature and hopefully gain
> widespread use.
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