I agree that 'surface' tag should be mandatory but in Hungary 54 percent of
the mixed foot-cycle-ways misses this tag.
Additionally, the 20 percent of foot-cycle-ways has no 'segregated' tag.
Not ideal conditions for converting mixed cycleways to path :)
So in Hungary we will contiune to use the "cycleway scheme".

Best regards,

Volker Schmidt <vosc...@gmail.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2020. febr. 6., Cs,

> Your first point is correct and it applies here in Italy as well.
> The default surface argument is weak. We do have unpaved official cycle
> and foot-cycle paths.
> The surface tag is mandatory in my view.
> The same applies to sidewalks and minor roads.
> And the "path" approach for foot-cycle-way is very frequent in some
> countries. So it's there. I would not deprecate other tagging practices
> though.
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