Your first point is correct and it applies here in Italy as well.

The default surface argument is weak. We do have unpaved official cycle and
foot-cycle paths.
The surface tag is mandatory in my view.
The same applies to sidewalks and minor roads.

And the "path" approach for foot-cycle-way is very frequent in some
countries. So it's there. I would not deprecate other tagging practices

Il mer 5 feb 2020, 16:29 Dörögdi András <> ha scritto:

> Some thoughts from cyclist perspective.
> I personally not using the (highway=path + bicycle=designated +
> foot=designated) combination for shared foot- and cycleways.
>  1) If I change a cycleway to path, I will unintentionally enable access
> for equestrians on the highway (according to this table:
> )
>  So I need to add an additional 'horse=no' tag to highway=path
>  2) The iD Editor doesn't know the shared foot and cycleways, it only
> displays the highway as a classic 'path' category, just like a forest path.
>  Result: some iD users begins to change highway=path back to
> highway=cycleway or highway=footway in urban environment.
>  3) As already mentioned by many, without the surface tag the highway=path
> could become meaningless. Some routing engine interprets
>  highway=path + bicycle=designated + foot=designated as an unpaved path,
> while interpreting highway=cycleway as a paved road (correctly)
>  Result: some bicycle routers begins to avoid shared foot- and cycleways
> tagged with highway=path w/o surface.
>  I know we are not mapping for the outputs, but the cycleways works nearly
> perfect while the path does not. Why do we change?
> So I need to add two additional tags for the same result without any
> advantages.
> highway=cycleway
> foot=designated
> segregated=yes
> highway=path
> foot=designated
> bicycle=designated
> horse=no
> surface=asphalt
> Best regards,
> András
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