Feb 7, 2020, 17:08 by pla16...@gmail.com:

> On Fri, 7 Feb 2020 at 15:25, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging <> 
> tagging@openstreetmap.org> > wrote:
>> Feb 7, 2020, 15:53 by >> pla16...@gmail.com>> :
>>> Then we give up on entirely sensible ideas because Carto insists on a "no
>>> synonyms" rule.  Which leads me to say, frequently, that OSM
>>> doesn't do joined-up thinking.
>> landcover is disliked by big part of this mailing list and iD devs and JOSM 
>> devs.
> Landcover=* has 153,499 uses.   Or did you mean landcover=grass specifically?
> That's the second-most popular, with 19,755 uses despite not being rendered.
> For a tag that's not supported by editors or rendered, that's significant use.
landuse=grass alone has 3.5 million of uses

> If landcover were approved, iD and JOSM might decide to support it.  But
> probably not, because it doesn't render, and they wouldn't want to deal with
> people raising issues about iD suggesting tags that don't render.
iD and JOSM and Vespucci support many many many tags that are not rendered

lack of rendering is not the blocker

> Editors won't support it because it doesn't render.  Around
> and around we go.
lack of rendering in OSM Carto is not the blocker for adding presets.
JOSM, iD, Vespucci have many things in presets that are not rendered in
OSM Carto.

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