On Fri, 7 Feb 2020 at 10:26, Christoph Hormann wrote:
> it would make a lot of sense for OSM-Carto to stop indicating this is valid 
> tagging.

it would make more sense to
1) decide what a valid/ideal schema is.
2) decide what a invalid/bad schema is.
3) making sure that the new schema is at least as well rendered in the
default style as the old one. if not, some mapper wouldn't move from
"it's rendered" to "not anymore"
4) propose a collective effort or automated edit to migrate from one to
the other
5) AFTER some time and/or after its use has strongly decreased, remove
the old schema from the default style.

of course, this implies that the tagging discussion takes place here and
the rendering takes place there, instead of the current bad-bad situation.
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