On 3/2/20 5:34 am, John Willis via Tagging wrote:
Bicycle parking is full of different kinds of stands.

“Floor” is Currently the the lack of anything - just an open area to park.


A) “floor” doesn’t mean “lockable” or not. All the others describe stands and 
poles and whatnot, but  ** “Floor” doesn't explicitly mean “no locking 
affordance” -  It’s implied.** The same is true for =surface or =ground or 

B)  A designated painted square of outdoor asphalt with a bicycle painted on 
the ground is the same thing as the well established parking=surface - but 
somehow requires a Different word for bikes? **that is inconsistent.**

A large majority of bike parking in Japan/Asia is this type of parking. 
Stands/two-tier are common in urban paid parking/schools/apartments, but ~80% 
or more are just designated flat ground with a sign - just like a parking lot. 
The bike parking I map most often is this type - formal, painted, designated 
flat ground for bike parking with no stands, loops, rails, or anything else for 
all the bikes to be chained to, covered=yes or not.

C) “floor” is used for indoor building location descriptions. (layer is for 
separating logically overlapping data features, not for this). “Floor” implies 
indoors to me. Outside doesn't have a floor. the “ground slots” value isn’t 
called “floor slots”.

These 3 reasons make it a poor choice over The well established parking value 
=surface, and since they are basically the same, I think we should use the same 
tag value for both.

I agree that it is a poor tag.

But it will not be replaced by the surface key as the tag represents 2 things. 
Until the tag can be replaced by tags that indicate both those things then this 
tag will remain.

In this case the OSM meaning of 'floor' does mean 'not lockable' and a flat 

So .. develop a tag to indicate that 'lockable' or 'non lockable' capability 
and then the surface key can also be used, thus replacing 'floor'.


On Feb 1, 2020, at 11:07 PM, Florimond Berthoux <florimond.berth...@gmail.com> 

I think it's not exactly the same feature, one thing interesting in the 
bicycle_parking for cyclist it to know if you can secure your bike.

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