I suggest we use additional tags to specify this more precisely.

I think the lack of supports should be tagged supports=no or bicycle_support=no.
Additionally lock_support=no or lock_stands=12. 
I'm not English so I don't know what would be the best word for these devices. 
In Danish they are probably called låsestolpe (lock pole) or låsebue (lock 
bow). In swedish I would call them låsbåge (lock bow) or perhaps låshjälp (lock 

On January 31, 2020 10:04:02 AM GMT+01:00, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Usually the bicycle rests on something. And if you going to leave it
>any time then locking it to some thing is a good idea.
>Floor may be a poor choice? Flat may be more descriptive? There is 
>nothing there for bicycles to lean on or be fastened to.
>(Yes I know some parts of the world bicycles normally come with stands 
>so they can be self suporting. But most bicycles hare have no stands.)
>On 31/1/20 5:50 pm, Thibault Molleman wrote:
>> I agree, was pretty confused when I saw that as well (after I had 
>> mapped a bunch of regular parkings and then did some bicycle ones)
>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2020, 07:46 John Willis via Tagging 
>> <tagging@openstreetmap.org <mailto:tagging@openstreetmap.org>> wrote:
>>     https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:bicycle_parking
>>     It lists “floor” as the value for a wide open outdoor space with
>>     no stands or other affordances designated for parking bicycles.
>>     this seems weird to me. the ground / asphalt area next to a
>>     supermarket is not a “floor”.
>>     we use “surface” in car parking lots, and there are many of other
>>     types of indoor tags for tagging when a bike is in a building or
>>     shed (similar to parking=multilevel).
>>     I think that the values be standardized and the wiki changed.
>>     there is 60 uses of (undocumented) =surface and ~260 uses of
>>     (documented) =floor.
>>     we should standardize how we tag parking lots for any vehicle if
>>     it is just a flat outdoor surface.
>>     Javbw
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