
To summarize the discussion so far  :

All the following are acceptable ways to tag a fountain  :

operation_status = XXX  - for fountains which are not operational on a
specific sighting
disused:    --- when the observation or observations leads the mapper to
believe there is a good chance the fountain is no longer working on a
permanent basis
intermittent = yes - sometime the fountain is working, sometimes it is off
seasonal = <yes/summer/winter>   if it is obvious which season the fountain
will be operating and which season the fountain will be shut.
opening_hours = month range (e.g.  Apr-Oct) - to designate a specific month
range when the fountain is operational.

&&   Deleting a non-functioning fountain node, is discouraged

Best regards,


On Mon, 20 Jan 2020 at 17:35, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>

> sent from a phone
> > On 20. Jan 2020, at 16:34, marc marc <marc_marc_...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > but to switch to disused: if there's no water on the day of the survey,
> > I think that's excessive.
> for the drinking fountains in my area seeing there is no water does indeed
> justify to put it on disused, while it’s in theory just a tap that is
> closed it isn’t something that is done on a frequent basis and from
> experience it is likely it will remain like this for months and maybe years
> or forever.
> For decorative fountains the situation is different here because they are
> usually only turned off for maintenance/damages and not for no apparent
> reason (this depends on the context, in Berlin for example they turned
> fountains off to save money, at least this was the situation 10years ago
> and outside the highlight tourist areas). Unless a decorative fountain is
> visibly and seriously damaged I wouldn’t set it to disused here, even if I
> saw it without water.
> I also encourage everybody to use the fountain subtag, by the way.
> Cheers Martin
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