Le 15.01.20 à 16:15, Jmapb via Tagging a écrit :
> On 1/15/2020 12:55 AM, European Water Project wrote:
>> Would it be appropriate to use the tag "seasonal" for a water fountain
>> (whether tagged as "amenity=drinking_water" or "amenity = fountain and
>> drinking_water = yes" )?
> Don't forget about man_made=drinking_fountain!

omg, what's the diff with amenity=drinking_water ?
the direction of water flow upwards?
348 out of 371 objects also have an amenity tag, which
shows the problem.

it would indeed be a good idea not to forget it and to ask the user if
it is a fountain in the osm sense (a bit artistic) or a water jet. and
add the most current tag.
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