On Thu, 15 Aug 2019 at 19:02, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>

> > On 15. Aug 2019, at 16:59, Paul Allen <pla16...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > A craft=painter (current meaning) is where paperwork is done and perhaps
> > where equipment is stored, but it is not where the actual craft of
> decorating takes place.
> a painter is somehow special in this, but not the only craft where it is
> the case, many places where craftsmen have their office is also where their
> workshop is, e.g. woodworkers like carpenters, window construction, stone
> masons, metal workshops like iron forging or steel work, car repairs (ok
> those are usually in the amenity space in OpenStreetMap), bakers, etc. and
> also some other craftmen which work mostly on site

Ummm, you seem to contradict yourself there.  Painters/decorators work at
their craft
wherever their craft is needed, not in their office/storage space.
Carpenters are the same.
Stone masons, it depends: those repairing buildings may do preparatory work
in their
"office" and other work on site; stone makers who carve gravestones rarely
do anything
except minor repairs in a graveyard.  Window construction these days is
usually in a
workshop rather than on site.

Going in the other direction, wood turners (who use a lathe to produce
bowls, vases, etc.)
are craftspeople with a workshop (which may also double as storage space
and as
an office for paperwork).  I've mapped one who had a home workshop and let
visit by appointment to see his wares and is in the process of moving to a
building which will house his workshop and also be a shop for his own wares
other handicraft such as jewellery produced by others.  I'll map that as a
shop, and
maybe fit his workshop in if there's room without a renderer collision
wiping out the

> will have much more extensive storage requirements than painters do (e.g.
> scaffolding or concrete workers/formwork).

A dedicated storage area is not a shop, or an office, or a workshop.  Going
by the other
values, craft=* is for workshops/studios and not shops or offices.  Places
where the craft
is actually performed, not where the results are sold, the raw materials
are stored or
the paperwork is done.

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