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On 15. Aug 2019, at 20:38, Paul Allen <> wrote:

>> will have much more extensive storage requirements than painters do (e.g. 
>> scaffolding or concrete workers/formwork).
> A dedicated storage area is not a shop, or an office, or a workshop. 

true, but the typical situation goes like this: craft business residing on a 
site, there’s a building and often outdoor space (depends on context) which 
contains (fractions depend on the profession and specialization) the workshop, 
storage areas (for the workshop: raw material, finished/intermediate products, 
waste, tools; vehicles) and a room for office work (plus toilets etc.). Mapping 
this (only) as office would be a misrepresentation of the situation. Wouldn’t 
we want to distinguish sites where craft work is done from administrative work 
places? Currently it isn’t explicit and can only be guessed.

Cheers Martin 
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