So I mentioned above that it seems that craft=, building=, office=,
shop= and sport= values are frequently added to the "Map Features"
list page without discussion.

Today a new wiki page was created for Tag:craft=artelier and the tag
was added to Template:Map_Features:craft, which adds this tag to the
Map Features page. It's been used 15 times. In comparison, studio=art
has been used 13 times, and studio=creative 17 times, but the author
of the new page mentions that this may be a problem because
amenity=studio is also used for TV, Radio and Music recording studios.

In American English I've heard of artist's studios or art workshops,
but I'd not heard the word "artelier" before today.  (Per Oxford
online, it's "A workshop or studio, especially one used by an artist
or designer.")

There are 3 craft=* values with even less usage on the page:

cooper - 5 uses
mint - 2 uses
piano_tuner - 12 uses

So, does this mean it is okay for craft=artelier to be added to the
official Map Features list? Should it be discussed first?


- Joseph

On 8/1/19, Martin Koppenhoefer <> wrote:
> sent from a phone
>> On 1. Aug 2019, at 02:24, Graeme Fitzpatrick <>
>> wrote:
>> But what are "generally established" & "significant numbers"?
>> 500 / 1000 / 5000 ?
> it may not only be about numbers (e.g. competing tags?) and it depends how
> frequent the feature is in the real world, and maybe also how relevant we
> consider it for the general public, e.g. tags about railway safety systems
> might not be suitable for the map features page even if all of them were
> mapped, because you need specialist knowledge to tag it.
> Cheers Martin
> Cheers Martin
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