On 16/08/19 12:03, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
What is the objective difference between the workshop of a sculptor who makes many copies of ancient or tradition sculptures out of stone by hand, versus the workshop of a “fine art” sculpture who sells expensive “original”’works?


There are many traditional sculptors in Indonesia who make stone Buddha statues (similar to those at Borobudur temple), or statues of Garuda carved intricately from wood or stone. Are they artists or not? They are certainly “sculptors”, no?

Similarly, the art studio of a potter who makes expensive “fine art” pottery pieces will look similar to the studio of a craftsman who produces decorative ceramics by hand.

I believe using a different key for “fine art painters” versus “craft and decorative painters” would be like using a different tag for regular restaurants and “fine cuisine” restaurants.

The craft key is already being used for artistic sculptors, potters, glass makers, photographers and so on. It seems the most appropriate of the existing keys, and it would be inappropriately to try to divide “craft artists” and “fine artists” into different values, let alone different keys.

Some artists can copy, some cannot copy. It is a skill. Many who copy can also originate.


On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 9:37 AM Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com <mailto:dieterdre...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    sent from a phone

    > On 16. Aug 2019, at 02:27, Clifford Snow
    <cliff...@snowandsnow.us <mailto:cliff...@snowandsnow.us>> wrote:
    > I would suggest we move artist from the craft discussion on to
    its own thread.

    agreed. Artists merit their own key, putting them under craft
    doesn’t seem like a good choice.

Artist do not merit their own key.
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