To me "agreed" seems better than "confirmed" (/and other possibilities could be 
"recognized" or "accepted"/) , but... do we really need to find an adjective 
qualifying such borders? I guess they represent the vast majority of 
boundaries, so we could just leave them alone and just qualify anomalous 



On 2018-11-26 10:42, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> Am Mo., 26. Nov. 2018 um 10:34 Uhr schrieb Eugene Alvin Villar 
> < <>>:
>     can you give a definition for de jure?
>         Which law applies?
>     Maybe there is a better word or phrase than "de jure" but I would 
> classify these as borders where both countries are in agreement because of a 
> treaty or a similar legal document. For example, this role could be applied 
> to more than 99% of the Canada-United States border (there are still some 
> minor disputes between the two).
> maybe "confirmed" (=both parties confirm the border)
> or "agreed"?
> Cheers,
> Martin

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