Well, a central bank is a bank, after all, whether it is owned by the
government or is a "private" parastatal organization.  I would tag it as
amenity=bank since it is a bank.  Not all banks offer consumer services,
so the fact that an individual cannot open an account in a central bank
doesn't disqualify it.  Individuals cannot open accounts in the Bank for
International Settlements, either, but it is a bank.  A central bank is
a specialized bank that serves the government (controls the monetary
system) and the commercial banking sector.  That's why it is called a
"central" bank.

>  It also wouldn't be tagged as a bank, because it doesn't have
accounts & you can't go in & deposit / withdraw cash, or take out a loan.

Maybe you and I cannot, but the commercial banks in that country can. 
It's a bank.


On 11/23/2018 3:20 AM, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
> On Fri, 23 Nov 2018 at 07:04, SelfishSeahorse
> <selfishseaho...@gmail.com <mailto:selfishseaho...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     You're right, most central banks are independent from politics, but
>     aren't they called governmental institutions nevertheless? Or rather
>     state institutions? (I'm not so fluent in English and not an expert on
>     state/economy.)
> Tricky one!
> For instance, the Reserve Bank of Australia is wholly owned by the
> Commonwealth of Australia, but it isn't classified as a Government
> Department. It's been tagged as a building=government
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/299845167#map=19/-33.86818/151.21169
> В 
>     How would you tag the land use of an independent central bank?
>     Certainly not commercial.
> I "think" that yes, it probably should / would be? What are the
> options? It's certainly not either retail or industrial. Government -
> not if it's independent, which really only leaves commercial?
> It also wouldn't be tagged as a bank, because it doesn't have accounts
> & you can't go in & deposit / withdraw cash, or take out a loan.
> So =government if it's government owned; =commercial if it's private;
> not tagged as a bank, but named Reserve / Central Bank of Somewhere.
> Thanks
> Graeme
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