On Wednesday, September 19, 2018, Tobias Zwick <o...@westnordost.de> wrote:
>>> Anyway, for a beginner : is one key even better ? -> should we allow
>>> “maxspeed=no_sign” ? Or/and “maxspeed=default” ?
>> Way too ambiguous to be remotely workable in North America.
> Is it? I think what djakk is arguing for, and me as well, is to separate
> the information stored in "source:maxspeed":
> --------------------------------------------
> 1. Information about whether there is a sign or not (=whether a
>    default speed applies or not)
> 2. Auxiliary information, if necessary, to automatically infer the
>    speed limit from the given OSM tags.

+1. This seems to be the best solution for unsigned speed limits.
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