It's per node. Size and supported admin levels depend on the data you stick in there. (Also, the faster the access should be, the bigger the file.) The default data is a geoJson file from the JOSM project which has all the countries, and states only for the United States, Canada, Australia, China and India and is about 1MB. > I imagine the same calculation could be used for other default > calculations, like the default language format, Here is a list of official languages by country iso code: Cheers Tobias On 20/09/2018 00:07, Joseph Eisenberg wrote: > I’m encouraged by this: > > > >”3. removes superfluous country ISO-code. Country boundaries > information > is already available in the OSM > database, data users can just use a > (reverse) geocoder to find where a street is. > (I wrote Java library recently that does this offline in ~0.1ms)” > > > Does this offline reverse geo coding calculation require downloading the > global admin_level=2 boundary data? Is it a reasonable amount of data? > > Does it take 0.1ms per node, or can several highway segments be checked > in the same calculation? > > I imagine the same calculation could be used for other default > calculations, like the default language format, > > Or it could be used to display certain features differently in different > countries: e.g. don’t use a cross symbol for hospitals in Saudi Arabia. > > For the USA, how quickly can you reverse geocode admin_levels 2, 4, 6 > and 8 for a road? (National, State, County and Municipal) > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Tagging mailing list > > > _______________________________________________ Tagging mailing list