In many countries in Europe, the "Welcome to XXX" sign as you enter a
town/village has the effect of delineating the "built-up area" for
traffic purposes and introduces a specific speed limit, without any
numbers being mentioned. In the countries I know in Northern Europe it
means "maxspeed=50 kmh" until you leave the town/village (unless
otherwise indicated of course). And that is independent of the type of
road by the way. On a motorway you will not pass one of these official
signs, so you carry on at 130 or whatever. The sign would be on the exit

The built-up area for traffic law purposes is therefore often
non-contiguous, made up of lots of polygons. You just have to know if
you are in or out of a built-up area, because it makes a difference to
many things about traffic laws (not just maxspeed).

On 2018-09-19 16:28, Jérôme Seigneuret wrote:

> Hi, tagging list  
> I just join it. 
> For your information there is part of proposed tagging schema in french 
> subject discuss with  
> Values of legal type can be thinking in specific territory area and resolve 
> "in my opinion" lot of case and subject in relation to access, maxspeed, and 
> legal dimension. the last term is "the case" of lot of problem of tagging 
> because it can't be appreciated just with maxspeed and access definition. 
> All cases will be deliberate. Speak with law school faculty or a lawyer can 
> help us to see all cases. 
> Jérôme 
> Le mer. 19 sept. 2018 à 15:57, Paul Johnson <> a écrit : 
> On Wed, Sep 19, 2018, 08:27 djakk djakk <> wrote: 
> By the way, we should de-correlate the legal status of an highway from the 
> highway tag : with the key highway:legal_type, values : business_area or 
> residential_area or an other local legal classification. A highway=tertiary 
> could also be highway:legal_type=residential_area 
> This seems like it would be way less complicated and way easier to 
> troubleshoot and way easier to approach when you're new to the project to 
> just use source:maxspeed=* to explain the context. 
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