Le 23. 01. 18 à 12:38, Martin Koppenhoefer a écrit :
>     those who add the panel in osm are not necessarily aware of the level
>     of government that can change its default value.
>     t...
>     the solution would again to have a default:maxspeed on a boundary.
>     the panels should be simplified : maxspeed:type=urban <> zone <> sign
> how would that be an improvement? If you don't know who is in charge of 
> the default limit you also can't choose a boundary where to put the limit.

it separates the work into 2 distinct tasks:
if I see a "urban area" sign, I tag maxspeed:type=urban.
I automatically take advantage of the default values existing on 
boundary without having to worry about which hierarchical level is 
responsible for the panel I see, because this info is not visible
on the panel. a BE:VL:urban sign is the same as the one for Brussels.
how to change all BE:urban in Flanders to BE:VL:urban ?
using a is_in with the boundary ?
it shows that the info "the effect of this panel use the rule
for BE:VL" is already in osm. the problem is that we don't use it.

>      > I wonder how this works, do you have signs on each and every "border"
>      > point telling the driver they are leaving / entering a region?
>     yes, a pannel saying "welcome to the Brussels-Capital Region"
>     with a pannel giving maxspeed default value on main road
> and on other roads? Maybe you'll need to pass a geography test to get 
> your driving license ;-)

somes minor roads don't have it.
That's what Belgian surrealism is all about. no one is supposed
to ignore the law, no luck if you are bad in geography :)
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