2018-01-23 12:05 GMT+01:00 marc marc <marc_marc_...@hotmail.com>:

> > 2018-01-23 10:16 GMT+01:00 Colin Smale :
> >     If they already had the power, the source:maxspeed value should not
> >     have referred to BE but to Flanders specifically (BE:VL?).
> This usecase show that the country prefix is not useful.

IMHO it shows that the prefix must refer to the entity that has the power
to decide the default maxspeed, and this is not always a country, but can
also be a region, a state or a county, for example, and obviously, in these
cases, you have to choose a different prefix.
In some areas this seems to be current practise:

those who add the panel in osm are not necessarily aware of the level
> of government that can change its default value.
> t...
> the solution would again to have a default:maxspeed on a boundary.
> the panels should be simplified : maxspeed:type=urban <> zone <> sign

how would that be an improvement? If you don't know who is in charge of the
default limit you also can't choose a boundary where to put the limit.
The main reason for this whole source:maxspeed tag is that you can't tell
otherwise whether you are inside a settlement ("urban") or not ("rural"),
it isn't in the data otherwise.

> > I wonder how this works, do you have signs on each and every "border"
> > point telling the driver they are leaving / entering a region?
> yes, a pannel saying "welcome to the Brussels-Capital Region"
> with a pannel giving maxspeed default value on main road

and on other roads? Maybe you'll need to pass a geography test to get your
driving license ;-)

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