The tag landuse says some thing about the land being used for some productive purpose for humans. In that way landuse=forest says that the area is used/going to be used to produce something of benefit to humans. At some time that area may be harvested of trees .. and then have no trees for a a short time while new trees are planted, or grow naturally, and allowed to grow. So most of the time the area is covered by trees, but not necessarily all of the time.

The tag natural=wood says that trees reside here - they can be man planted, cultivated, maintained .. but is says nothing about them being used to produce something for humans.
And it implies that the trees are all ways there.

On 05-Oct-17 09:02 PM, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
I know that it is controversial topic but in practice both natural=wood and landuse=forest means "area where trees are growing"

On 5 Oct 2017 10:55 a.m., "Martin Koppenhoefer" < <>> wrote:

    sent from a phone

    > On 5. Oct 2017, at 04:58, Graeme Fitzpatrick
    < <>> wrote:
    > It's definitely not intended for forestry / logging purposes, so
    it's not landuse=forest

    common osm interpretation of landuse=forest is less strict, I think


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