On 04-Oct-17 12:00 PM, Bill Ricker wrote:

On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 7:31 PM, Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com <mailto:graemefi...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Question on memorials v monuments thanks.

    How about a memorial arboretum
    <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arboretum>), a commemorative
    planted grove of trees that you can walk through & sit under?

    Does that count as a monument, or is it a memorial?

​As I read wiki.osm, both historic=memorial and historic=monument are presumed man-made structures, with the latter reserved for that which is truly "'monumental' in size".  Neither would apply to an Arboretum (even though it's an unnatural landscape on monumental scale, it's not a structure).  (FWIW, xref there includes man_made=obelisk and memorial=stele )

It sounds like the wiki expects us to find the plaque or stele etc inside the memorial arboretum and tag it as the historic=memorial, memorial=plaque, etc. and only tag an area thus if the monumental structure has outline worth outlining as closed area way.

​This memorial park http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/29743732 is not an arboretum, AFAIK, although some of the trees may have been planted trees, it's not about the trees.  Unless I find a plaque or other marker, the wiki is not encouraging use of either memorial or monument, although memorial:conflict=WW1 could apply.


​More info on my Memorial Park area http://fd.ema.arrl.org/SiteDetail.php?site=MemPk

Memorial avenues exist - roads with tress planted alongside to remember the dead usually from wars.
See http://www.historicplaces.ca/en/rep-reg/place-lieu.aspx?id=13557
No OSM taggging other than a road in OSM


Each tree usually commemorates one person, the tree signifies the victory of life over death. While there may a be a plaque - it is the tree that forms the memorial for that person.
The collection of trees form a memorial to the war dead as a collective.

I have not tagged them...

Some more info? http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/about/environment/protecting-heritage/remembrance-driveway/history/index.html


I think a memorial rather than a monument. But I am not pedantic about it.

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