> I am following this discussion with interest.  I have tagged several of these 
> memorials,
> and have used the value war_memorial, because that is what is suggested in 
> the Wiki.
> I have no problem retagging the features I've already tagged, if a consensus 
> is
> reached on an alternative tagging scheme.
> With that being said, I have a question.  Take a look at the memorial (not a 
> war
> memorial) on the north side of the road in this photo [1].  (I hope it's okay 
> to use a
> Google Street View photo, as I don't have a website to post it on, and I 
> don't use any
> of the commercial photo-sharing sites.)  How would you tag this memorial?  I 
> have
> used historic=memorial, followed by memorial=stele (following the recommended
> procedure in the Wiki), but this object doesn't strictly meet the definition 
> of "stele,"
> according to Wiktionary and Wikipedia.  It resembles a gravestone, but 
> obviously it is
> not one of those.  I can't think of a suitable term to use to describe the 
> type of
> memorial.  Neither does it fit the definition of monument, as described in 
> the Wiki.
> Mark
> [1] https://www.google.com/maps/@39.5987119,-
> 85.8427832,3a,75y,27h,81.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sT2QKoSsT4MR9JkRHxcSd-
> A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Someone suggested using Wikimedia Commons as a repository for sharable photos, 
instead of using Google Street View.  While browsing the suggested website, I 
discovered a category of memorials called simply "markers," and the photos 
there are of the type I want to tag.  It seems like an appropriate description, 
so I think historic=memorial with memorial=marker sounds good, unless someone 
has a better suggestion.


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