On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 3:21 PM, José G Moya Y. <josem...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ok, so you agree in reserving  war_memorial for war memorials that do not
> fit into plaque, statue and other "shape" categories?

​I wasn't taking a position specifically.

Since asked...

>From my point of view it's possible to be a war_memorial *and* a plaque, or
to be a war_memorial *and* a statue.  Having *:type=war-memorial attribute
for plaque and statue and whatever, and a separate war_memorial= tag for
display of obsolete donated ordnance or parts of ships with memorial
plaques does not make searching for any war-memorial near me easy. I can
include/exclude war statues from a statue search, but not search for any
type of war memorial.

Bill Ricker
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