2017-10-03 11:55 GMT+02:00 Janko Mihelić <jan...@gmail.com>:

> I propose we deprecate memorial=war_memorial. It's in conflict with other
> values of this key. We can use memorial:theme=war_memorial. We can expand
> this with other values, like memorial:theme=notable_person, notable_event,
> and so on.

+1, we should distinguish shape / material appearance from the topic, the
style, the period, etc.
Not only here, but generally. "type" or "thing_type" or A=B, B=C does
generally not work very well, because there are mostly different
possibilities to categorize / group things into a typology, and if the
"kind of typology" is not specified in the key, it tends to end up with
orthogonal properties.

I'm fine with "memorial:theme", but would like to mention also
"commemorates" (maybe this could be more specific, e.g. "World War II"
etc.) as can be seen here:
There also a "topic" key in small use:
https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/topic#values maybe rather than theme
it could be "memorial:topic=war"?

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