Am 2017-09-14 12:46, schrieb marc marc:

With that scheme it is clear, that the amount of water is unlimited
(waterbody) or limited (pond, together with the
volume key)
would not it be easier to keep the 2 separate info?
water_source for the source (stream, river, lake, ocean, sea)
water_volume=x m3 or illimited (or something like that)
I'm afraid that I'm not understanding you right.

What do you mean with

would not it be easier to keep the 2 separate info?
I would group unlimited, natural sources (stream, river, lake, ocean, 
sea) under

Artificially created pond as

and where the volume is known (pond, swimming_pool) add the
water_volume key.

For hydrants it makes no sense to distinguish between river, lake etc. The important information is that it is one of the unlimited sources. And to minimize the amount of values waterbody should be enough.
Therefore we don't need  water_volume=unlimited in this case.

Maybe  water_volume=unlimited should be optional and the default value?

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