On 2017-09-15 20:34, Viking wrote:
> On the contrary, now I think that we must made explicit all water sources and
> do not use at all waterbody. Stream, river, lake, pond, sea, ocean are clear
> enough to be understood by an occasional mapper and correspond to existing
> tags. Instead, to undestand what waterbody would mean, mappers and users
> should read the wiki explanation.
The distinctions given in the wiki between a stream and a river, and
between a pond and a lake, are far from objective. Just because the
words are familiar does not in itself guarantee good-quality
(objectively and verifiably correct) tagging.
Apparently there is a scientific distinction between a pond and a lake,
based on whether sunlight reaches the bottom. I also found a reference
to a river/stream distinction based on stream order.
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