Hi Martin

2017-09-04 17:02 GMT+02:00 Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>:

>> [0] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:diameter
> unfortunately this is not yet defined unambiguously. I guess it is about
> the inner diameter of something? Or sometimes it is about the inner
> diameter (e.g. tubes, pipelines, pipes, etc.), while in other cases it is
> the outer diameter (e.g. tree trunk, pole, tower, ...)? Maybe we should
> distinguish these, at least for hollow things?

Diameter is indirectly linked to fluids ability to flow inside the pipe. So
inner diameter is my first choice.

> I agree with the idea to group all water sources under fire_hydrant term.
> -1, if you want to group all water sources (what I don't think is needed),
> use water_source or something similar

Let me elaborate a bit more
The point is precisely to differentiate with water_source, but to use
emergency=fire_hydrant in all cases

A pressurized hydrant : emergency=fire_hydrant + optional
water_source=network + even more optional pressure=*

A pillar connected to a water tank where water can be pumped from :
emergency=fire_hydrant + water_source=water_tank + pressure=0
A pipe going permanently in a river or a pond where water can be pumped
from : emergency=fire_hydrant + water_source=pond + pressure=0

but differences will still be there, no point to make them disapear at all
Is this ok or not ?

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