Le 01. 09. 17 à 00:54, Viking a écrit :
> In this sense flow_rate is more appropriate.

> I think we should find a solution also for 10% of hydrants that don't have a 
> type/pressure/water_source, or we will never have a definitive solution.
> Considering that in some countries pressurized hydrants are not 
> distuinguishable from not pressurized ones, I'm starting to think that the 
> only way is to revert to the previous approach and define:
> - hydrant: a device with couplings used to take water, pressurized or not. 
> pressure=* will distinguish among them. water_source=* can complete the 
> information.
> - suction point: a place to park the fire engine and put down your hoses and 
> pump.
> I would prefer to have only pressurized hydrants in emergency=fire_hydrant, 
> but there are too many cases that can't be easily handled.
> Anyway fire_hydrant:type=pond should be deprecated in favour of 
> water_source=pond.
It look like fine for me.
what do others think? if somebody find it is not appropriate,
I think that it would be desirable to split out the "meaning change"
to validate the rest of the proposal.

Le 01. 09. 17 à 23:08, Viking a écrit :
 > If we want to remove fire_hydrant: namespace, what's about transform
 > fire_hydrant:diameter=# in diameter=# ? It is already documented
 > its use with hydrants: [0]
yes the prefix in "fire_hydrant:diameter" is bad
it is not the diameter of fire_hydrant.
the wiki said it is the diameter of the underground pipe.
and is this tag well used? I am not able to judge whether values
are realistic
It look like however that a lot of value concerns the diameter
of the coupling
water_source:diameter <> coupling:diameter could make
confusion impossible

 > fire_hydrant:count=# ?
same question, do we often have several hydrants in the same place
that are mapped with only one node? or people are mistaken
and indicates the number of coupling? I have never yet met the case.
maybe we need to ask mapper that use it.

 > I would keep these tags as they are now.
I think it is useful to stop the list of changes otherwise
it is a work without an end.
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