> colour:bonnet colour:cap colour:reflective seems for me to be in the reverse
> order the colour of a building is building:colour not colour:building the 
> same exist with roof:colour light:colour ...


> survey:date is the date of a survey (someone was there) not a functional 
> check.
> it would be better to use check_date (or check:date to keep date suffix)

+1 for check_date.

Francois, as a firefighters, I can say that it's very very important to 
distinguish a pressurized hydrant from a dry hydrant (or suction point). And we 
all agree.
And now I explain the reason why I prefer this distinction in the primary key.
First of all in many cases you don't know the pressure, but you know only that 
it's a pressurized hydrant. You should use something like 
fire_hydrant:pressure=positive that adds complexity and it's error prone for an 
inexperienced mapper.
Then, for my fire departement, I've extracted hydrants data from OSM, I've 
uploaded it on some old and new GPS and I've sent it on my colleagues 
The simplest (and in many case the only) way to tranfser hydrants attributes to 
GPS is to put them in waypoints names. But waypoints names lenght is limited in 
GPS, so it's likely that someone transferring data will loose the 
fire_hydrant:pressure information.
Then it's simpler to look for emergency=fire_hydrant or emergency=suction_point 
than look for emergency=fire_hydrant + fire_hydrant:pressure=positive or 
emergency=fire_hydrant + fire_hydrant:pressure=suction.
In conclusion grouping different items under the same primary key and, even 
worse, grouping all water sources under emergency=water_source, adds a not 
necessary complexity in data managament.
Simpler is always better. In this case it is simpler to keep 
emergency=fire_hydrant for pressurized hydrants and emergency=suction_point for 
all other non pressurized water sources.

For suction point another proposal of refinement is needed.

Best regards

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