On 21-Aug-17 09:18 AM, marc marc wrote:

     The simplest (and in many case the only) way to tranfser hydrants
     attributes to GPS is to put them in waypoints names.
you can also just use the same as you did in the past, as you do not use
the name of the osm tag anyway

Do not use the name tag. If you must, possibly use the tag "description=*"?

For sake of simplicity, fire_hydrant: and suction_point namespaces
should be avoided as done for fire_hydrant:position
fire_hydrant:flow_capacity could also just be the already existing key

Pipe lines would also have a flow_capacity, as would canals, drains.
Humm pipeline uses the tag capacity ... I don't think that is a good fit with 
present OSM use of that tag.

In the interests of having a more universally applied tag I'd rather have a tag 
"flow_capacity=*" as a property tag much like length, height etc.

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