Hi Viking,

2017-08-17 16:47 GMT+02:00 Viking <vikin...@tin.it>:

> Francois, I understand the issue that in some countries the normal mapper
> can't distinguish a dry hydrant from a pressurized hydrant and he would tag
> a dry hydrant simply with emergency=fire_hydrant. But he will not use the
> correct tag in any case, even if we accept to use emergency=fire_hydrant +
> fire_hydrant:pressure=0, because he will not add the pressure subkey. And
> definitely, any solution we choose, any map with wrong data will give wrong
> information to firefighters. For these cases, only an expert mapper can fix
> wrong tags, case by case.

The lack of "pressure" key won't be bad data. Only a lack.
This can be warned in documentation or renders "Beware of this undocumented
hydrant, you may need a pump to get water"
QA tools can encourage mappers to get this information "This water supply
isn't properly described, go look for pressure or source"

All the best

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