2017-06-16 19:52 GMT+01:00 Dudley Ibbett <dudleyibb...@hotmail.com>:

> I’m slightly confused by this discussion.  I live in a “hamlet” which is
> within a “dispersed settlement”.  “Dispersed settlement” describes the
> pattern of isolated dwellings, farmyards, hamlets, villages etc. on a
> much larger scale.
> We don’t really seem to have tags that currently describe settlement
> patterns.  If we did then we would need “linear” & “nuclear” as well as
> “dispersed”.
> The “hamlet” has a name (which is used in the address) but the “dispersed
> settlement” doesn’t as it is just describes a pattern of buildings,
> hamlets, farmyards etc.
> Regards
> Dudley
That not a pattern everywhere. There are places where a "dispersed
settlement" don't have a "hamlet" inside. The hamlet tag description don't
fit because it could have more than 100-200 inhabitants and not necessary
should be strictly isolated. Anyway, it has a name.

Regards, Javier
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