I’m slightly confused by this discussion.  I live in a “hamlet” which is within 
a “dispersed settlement”.  “Dispersed settlement” describes the pattern of 
isolated dwellings, farmyards, hamlets, villages etc. on a much larger scale.

We don’t really seem to have tags that currently describe settlement patterns.  
If we did then we would need “linear” & “nuclear” as well as “dispersed”.

The “hamlet” has a name (which is used in the address) but the “dispersed 
settlement” doesn’t as it is just describes a pattern of buildings, hamlets, 
farmyards etc.



From: Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>
Sent: 16 June 2017 13:56
To: Jerry Clough - OSM; Tag discussion, strategy and related tools
Subject: Re: [Tagging] dispersed settlements / scattered settlements

2017-06-16 15:50 GMT+02:00 Jerry Clough - OSM 
In summary: we have an excellent source of mapped dispersed settlements in 
Europe; absence of any specific tags for such places has only slightly impeded 
mapping (although perhaps a rigorous insistence on locality having no 
population may make it harder);

yes, basically what you are telling us is that you've mapped these settlements 
as place=locality, which is not in line with the wiki definition of 

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