>> A place=* does not just consist of a small built up area with it’s church, 
>> shop and community centre, it >>usually includes a certain amount of 
>> greenbelt and rural area surrounding that as well.

>that's not the place=city/town/village/hamlet etc. but the administrative 
>territorial entity (every spot is part >of an administrative entity, but not 
>necessarily part of a settlement)

Sorry if I confused the issue, I am trying to show that landuse=* tags should 
not be used for this purpose.

 The point I was making is that communities, settlements and the like also 
conform to similar models. While it is cartographically correct to place the 
name of a village, hamlet, settlement, community, indicating the cluster of 
buildings that make up the centre of that community it refers to all it’s 
components (the cluster of buildings, the cattle enclosures, the worked lands 
around it) and that cannot be indicated by a landuse=* tag as it’s area. By all 
means use a  node to give the status and name if the full extent of the area is 
unknown or if you want the name to be positioned at the settlement but please 
do not to attach the name to the landuse polygon.

For example, where you have a farm lets say it’s name is XYZ. The name may be 
positioned next to the cluster of residential buildings, barns and workhouses 
(landuse=farmyard) but the name would refer to the whole extent of the farm. So 
this would include landuse=farmyard, landuse=farmlands, landuse=orchards, 
landuse=meadow and so on. My point that the tag name=* should not be attached 
to a landuse polygon because it does not just indicate a single landuse.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Martin Koppenhoefer
Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2017 1:48 AM
To: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools
Subject: Re: [Tagging] dispersed settlements / scattered settlements

sent from a phone

> On 17. Jun 2017, at 00:20, <ralph.ayt...@ntlworld.com> 
> <ralph.ayt...@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> A place=* does not just consist of a small built up area with it’s church, 
> shop and community centre, it usually includes a certain amount of greenbelt 
> and rural area surrounding that as well.

that's not the place=city/town/village/hamlet etc. but the administrative 
territorial entity (every spot is part of an administrative entity, but not 
necessarily part of a settlement)

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