On 10-Apr-17 06:49 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

sent from a phone

On 10. Apr 2017, at 07:17, Clifford Snow <cliff...@snowandsnow.us> wrote:

Any suggestions on how we should be mapping forested areas would be appreciated.

my suggestion is to map the following 3 aspects (not necessarily in the same 
osm feature, but orthogonally, also overlapping if required):

natural=*. the named feature/forest, also nested smaller ones inside bigger 
ones. This is for toponyms and geographic features, e.g. a pond in the forest 
would be included

I would argue that a pond is a land cover. :)

I don't 'like' the key natural -
as it stands for things that I regard as 'unnatural' and covers things in one 
key that can be classified as
 'land cover' e.g. woods
'land forms' e.g. cliffs

landuse =forest. areas used to grow and log trees (actual current human use of 
land), a pond would not be included but a clearcut area still dedicated to 
growing trees would.

all kind of areas where trees grow (physical aspect)


It is unfortunate that water (covering 2/3rds of the earth's surface) has a few 
different methods of tagging in OSM ... waterway and natural.
I think waterway comes from a transport thinking similar to highway.
And 'natural' comes from the need to tag water that has no transportation 

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