
You are correct, landuse is different from landcover.
I assume you are tagging farmland as landuse, not landcover.
The problem with landcover is that the currency and consistency of the
source information is critical and is very difficult in OSM.
The OSM tagging for landcover should have two additional *required* tags:
"source=" and "source:date=" .



On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 8:17 AM, Clifford Snow <>

> On Sun, Apr 9, 2017 at 8:50 PM, Vao Matua <> wrote:
>> This is an interesting discussion.  As a tree farmer and professional
>> forester I am offended by the suggestion that a harvested area is different
>> landuse from areas that are in other stages of forest growth.
>> I understand the need to avoid current logging operations, but I would
>> say that crowd sourced mapping is not the place to get that information.
>> There are so many basic features missing from OSM, spending effort to
>> collect vegetative landcover seems like a lower need, especially
>> considering the fact that in a relatively short period of time the
>> vegetative signature will be different.
> Palolo,
> Thank you for your input. If I understand you, landuse=forest is what the
> land is being used for while landcover is what's there. To get a Warin's
> point, if you want to know if the area was clearcut recently, we should be
> using landcover.
> We do have a lot of features that need added to OSM. But I always
> encourage new mappers to map what they like. Currently I have been adding
> farmland to my county. It helps tell the counties story. Farmland is just
> part of the story, a big part of the county is also logging. Right now I'm
> reluctant to just start adding forested areas until I learn more. Any
> suggestions on how we should be mapping forested areas would be
> appreciated.
> Best,
> Clifford
> --
> @osm_seattle
> OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
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